Friday, November 28, 2014

Slangin rocks non stop on ya blocks

I felt great rage, and even greater justice as I witnessed Missouri pig metal burn. As the prosecutor passed the bullshit baton to Obama I could feel my adrenaline racing as the split screen began showing brave people running down the cold empty streets, a spectacle for the most lethal empire known in history. When the cop car was beginning to flip I felt my legs begin to kick into the air and I was there with those folks for a few moments, my heart was pounding. The streets were flooded with people, tear gas, sirens, and flashing lights. The wide shots revealed the scale of the police force  and it became apparent that this could turn deadly at any moment. The pigs have so much technology, authority, and ammunition yet a few days later I saw a Ferguson pig press conference where they hoisted up a few bottles of piss as if they had finally found Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. The other night while riding my bike in my neighborhood, on my way to McDonald's, I was stopped by a cop. He told me that I didn't have the appropriate lights and that it was also an infraction to be listening to headphones while on my bicycle. That day had been uniquely stressful and I was tired, and also hungry. Thus I went ahead and did what in these times can be considered suicidal, I said something back to the fucking cop. I had been watchful for the leeches that night, as I always am, and as I learned to be after being pulled over before. Luckily and surprisingly I was not frisked this time. I was observant and had witnessed this particular cop car from a distance but decided to pedal past it anyway. I felt uneasy, and I was also irritable but of course I was mostly aware of the cold barrel on this mans waist. I snapped and basically did not kiss the cops ass. The cop came out of the car after I gave him this lip, and then thats when I knew my life was in danger. He proceeded to face me and told me to put my hands to my side as he called his storm troopers for back-up. At this point I brought up Trayvon and I told him that I knew what was going on and that I was scared. He looked like an angry old man out to teach me a lesson and reacted like an angry factory boss whose noticed one of his slaves has decided to yawn while on the clock. His backup appeared soon after and while the first pig scanned my ID in his tank, a second less enthusiastic balding cop just kept an eye and a flashlight on me. After changing my demeanor and acting worthy of an academy award, I was let go but not before hearing about how instead of speaking up I should be silent, obedient and appreciative for these wonderful knights in blue and red shining armor for stopping me, silly me, they were simply looking out for my safety. Just remember that whether draped in black robes, tailor-fitted business suits, or wearing a badge the disguises can never mask the deeply rooted white supremacist bile that is bubbling and churning deep inside the core of this American machine.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Good news from Europe

Apparently in Belgium if the right-wing Government meddles with the social safety-net or plans raises to the minimum age for retirement the popular response is swelteringly negative. According to the corporate media 100,000 (130,00 according to the Unions) protestors took to the streets of Brussels yesterday to fuck shit up. This comes at a time when finance ministers from countries who use the Euro are meeting in Brussels, the very capital of the European Union. Transit was paralyzed and cars overturned, and there is a general strike planned for December 15th. Another potentially revolutionary situation is taking place a bit more to the East. The also right-wing Government of Hungary had decided to scheme up a new tax on the use of the internet, approximately 61 cents per gigabyte to be precise, but because of mass riots on the streets over several weeks the tax plan was eventually and forcibly scrapped. These are two distinct nations with their own internal divisions and unique issues, but the disdain and tension towards the Government and its Capitalist agenda remains the same in both places, as it does around the world. This is good news because it demonstrates a hopeful ember of dissent and mass protest in two highly industrialized Western Nations. These protests are destabilizing and worrisome for the financial parasitic class worldwide and make no mistake, the idea to tax the internet is one often tossed around here in the US as well. And in case you hadn't noticed, every time one leaves a shopping cart outside a big box chain or supermarket, it is 75 year old seniors retrieving them. People in America are literally working their hands to the bone. Therefore these two incidents represent a moment for people in this Empire to stop and question their own shady policy makers and their shoddy capitalist policies. Hopefully there are more radical embers on the horizon, or better yet a global proletariat wildfire, that may finally melt the shackles right off our necks.

US Financial backwardness and sorcery

As I have begun tickling the belly of the beast lately, (I don't want to outright admit I am investing in the stock market) I have noticed a few things. As I become more aware of the inner workings of American Financial Capitalism, the more I confirm it is all a farce. Capitalism is in a perpetual state of psychosis. The United States is the main exporter of global financial snake oil. It is not only fitting but almost proper that Mitt Romney, hedge fund extraordinaire, nearly became president of this grand money machine. Profits are soaring for most large-cap companies and corporations, while out on the streets, people are ever more hungry, and weary of political promises. The financial meltdown of 08 reminded us simple folk living in America, that cash is king. The major financial institutions and markets in the US were not only bailed out, they were injected with a potent steroid. The combination of ridiculously unrealistic monetary policy and Obama being more concerned with reducing the budget deficit and cutting social programs, has led to our current reality. Stocks are incoherently rising to new heights, while the average workers wages in the US has stagnated or decreased for several decades. Income inequality is a buzzword used by pundits and elites nowadays, mostly uttered by political snakes pretending to give a shit. There was no mention of poverty or homelessness in the recent mid-term elections. Yes I am aware that every single ballot measure involving an increase to the minimum wage was unanimously approved, but I am also aware of the fact that many cities and towns now have ordinances and laws making it illegal to feed the homeless. Poor people are more enslaved and ignored than ever. Libertarian-like initiatives like the legalization of Marijuana take precedence over people starving to death. Alibaba and its IPO is to the average newscaster a more compelling and noteworthy headline than the racist police brutality happening daily nationwide. Not a peep from the starving masses however, and that is because nowadays the only thing that talks is money. Even the Supreme Court says so (see Citizens United). Billions were spent on the mid-term elections, and billions are spent on bombs and bullets. The companies that manufacture hazmat suits saw their stocks rise to all new highs with the rise of Ebola. Same goes for the military defense contractors and aerospace companies, whose shares and stocks oscillate positively every time another white journalist is beheaded or another village is seized by ISIS. For a long time now, since the fed initiated quantitative easing, investors and businessmen have become masters of reverse psychology. Bad jobs reports and rising unemployment translated into higher stock prices and more bullish activity with traders. This is because as long as the "real" economy, that is the workers and starving masses, continues to lag, the government and central bank will always scramble to inflate financial institutions and secure the survival of the parasitic capitalist. In essence the US government and its masters have decided to cultivate the Financial sector by using various means of financial sorcery to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. Supposedly the idea is that as the 1% of the upper 1% get wealthier, somehow, magically this money will "trickle" down. It sure has not worked that way nor will it ever. The heirs to the Walton Fortune (Wal-mart) are something like six people, and these six people have more wealth than millions, and millions of people. This entire charade will have a violent conclusion but until then the Capitalist class in America has realized that the only way to lessen the blow from market crashes is to simply create a new one and cash out before it all goes to shit again. In the midst of a bullish market and a destitute populace, this society is growing more violent, anxious and secluded. Robotic warplanes and $10 water bottles, this is what we have to choose from.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Talk to the screen, soothe the keyboard into submission. Arch your back, or shower and start fresh. Crumple up the mistakes into paper balls and shoot your way to the NBA. Different methods abound, it is hard for some people to write. I would wager that most people feel a slight tinge of discomfort at the notion of writing. I wish to hand write more often, it is an obsolete hobby. Big words and even bigger ambitions drive my style of writing, or so it seems. I just don't care anymore, I need to let out some steam. Exercise is a hard word to spell for me apparently. Soon enough I will hop into some new digs and take a stroll. Walk the desolate alley way behind my house and take it from there. Writing has always been inside of me, waiting patiently to be unleashed upon thirsty readers. I would hope there is a reader. Maybe that is what writing is all about, just hoping there is another person. Writing can be another of the many tools humans use to connect back to their roots. The way is a path that is easy to stray off of, but hard to stay on. At least for me it is. But the way is like writing, and it is without much pressure, effortless, and seamless. Those are aspects of the way as I understand it. There is much to write and much more to think. The unifying theme here is that when I am left alone to swim amongst my own regurgitated writings, without the slightest hope of anyone out there ever reading them, I feel trapped. I also feel enclosed by many other issues and circumstances that I wish to liberate myself from. But before I can run I must learn to crawl. We will catch up soon.