Friday, November 7, 2014

Good news from Europe

Apparently in Belgium if the right-wing Government meddles with the social safety-net or plans raises to the minimum age for retirement the popular response is swelteringly negative. According to the corporate media 100,000 (130,00 according to the Unions) protestors took to the streets of Brussels yesterday to fuck shit up. This comes at a time when finance ministers from countries who use the Euro are meeting in Brussels, the very capital of the European Union. Transit was paralyzed and cars overturned, and there is a general strike planned for December 15th. Another potentially revolutionary situation is taking place a bit more to the East. The also right-wing Government of Hungary had decided to scheme up a new tax on the use of the internet, approximately 61 cents per gigabyte to be precise, but because of mass riots on the streets over several weeks the tax plan was eventually and forcibly scrapped. These are two distinct nations with their own internal divisions and unique issues, but the disdain and tension towards the Government and its Capitalist agenda remains the same in both places, as it does around the world. This is good news because it demonstrates a hopeful ember of dissent and mass protest in two highly industrialized Western Nations. These protests are destabilizing and worrisome for the financial parasitic class worldwide and make no mistake, the idea to tax the internet is one often tossed around here in the US as well. And in case you hadn't noticed, every time one leaves a shopping cart outside a big box chain or supermarket, it is 75 year old seniors retrieving them. People in America are literally working their hands to the bone. Therefore these two incidents represent a moment for people in this Empire to stop and question their own shady policy makers and their shoddy capitalist policies. Hopefully there are more radical embers on the horizon, or better yet a global proletariat wildfire, that may finally melt the shackles right off our necks.

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