Friday, November 28, 2014

Slangin rocks non stop on ya blocks

I felt great rage, and even greater justice as I witnessed Missouri pig metal burn. As the prosecutor passed the bullshit baton to Obama I could feel my adrenaline racing as the split screen began showing brave people running down the cold empty streets, a spectacle for the most lethal empire known in history. When the cop car was beginning to flip I felt my legs begin to kick into the air and I was there with those folks for a few moments, my heart was pounding. The streets were flooded with people, tear gas, sirens, and flashing lights. The wide shots revealed the scale of the police force  and it became apparent that this could turn deadly at any moment. The pigs have so much technology, authority, and ammunition yet a few days later I saw a Ferguson pig press conference where they hoisted up a few bottles of piss as if they had finally found Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. The other night while riding my bike in my neighborhood, on my way to McDonald's, I was stopped by a cop. He told me that I didn't have the appropriate lights and that it was also an infraction to be listening to headphones while on my bicycle. That day had been uniquely stressful and I was tired, and also hungry. Thus I went ahead and did what in these times can be considered suicidal, I said something back to the fucking cop. I had been watchful for the leeches that night, as I always am, and as I learned to be after being pulled over before. Luckily and surprisingly I was not frisked this time. I was observant and had witnessed this particular cop car from a distance but decided to pedal past it anyway. I felt uneasy, and I was also irritable but of course I was mostly aware of the cold barrel on this mans waist. I snapped and basically did not kiss the cops ass. The cop came out of the car after I gave him this lip, and then thats when I knew my life was in danger. He proceeded to face me and told me to put my hands to my side as he called his storm troopers for back-up. At this point I brought up Trayvon and I told him that I knew what was going on and that I was scared. He looked like an angry old man out to teach me a lesson and reacted like an angry factory boss whose noticed one of his slaves has decided to yawn while on the clock. His backup appeared soon after and while the first pig scanned my ID in his tank, a second less enthusiastic balding cop just kept an eye and a flashlight on me. After changing my demeanor and acting worthy of an academy award, I was let go but not before hearing about how instead of speaking up I should be silent, obedient and appreciative for these wonderful knights in blue and red shining armor for stopping me, silly me, they were simply looking out for my safety. Just remember that whether draped in black robes, tailor-fitted business suits, or wearing a badge the disguises can never mask the deeply rooted white supremacist bile that is bubbling and churning deep inside the core of this American machine.

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