Friday, November 7, 2014

US Financial backwardness and sorcery

As I have begun tickling the belly of the beast lately, (I don't want to outright admit I am investing in the stock market) I have noticed a few things. As I become more aware of the inner workings of American Financial Capitalism, the more I confirm it is all a farce. Capitalism is in a perpetual state of psychosis. The United States is the main exporter of global financial snake oil. It is not only fitting but almost proper that Mitt Romney, hedge fund extraordinaire, nearly became president of this grand money machine. Profits are soaring for most large-cap companies and corporations, while out on the streets, people are ever more hungry, and weary of political promises. The financial meltdown of 08 reminded us simple folk living in America, that cash is king. The major financial institutions and markets in the US were not only bailed out, they were injected with a potent steroid. The combination of ridiculously unrealistic monetary policy and Obama being more concerned with reducing the budget deficit and cutting social programs, has led to our current reality. Stocks are incoherently rising to new heights, while the average workers wages in the US has stagnated or decreased for several decades. Income inequality is a buzzword used by pundits and elites nowadays, mostly uttered by political snakes pretending to give a shit. There was no mention of poverty or homelessness in the recent mid-term elections. Yes I am aware that every single ballot measure involving an increase to the minimum wage was unanimously approved, but I am also aware of the fact that many cities and towns now have ordinances and laws making it illegal to feed the homeless. Poor people are more enslaved and ignored than ever. Libertarian-like initiatives like the legalization of Marijuana take precedence over people starving to death. Alibaba and its IPO is to the average newscaster a more compelling and noteworthy headline than the racist police brutality happening daily nationwide. Not a peep from the starving masses however, and that is because nowadays the only thing that talks is money. Even the Supreme Court says so (see Citizens United). Billions were spent on the mid-term elections, and billions are spent on bombs and bullets. The companies that manufacture hazmat suits saw their stocks rise to all new highs with the rise of Ebola. Same goes for the military defense contractors and aerospace companies, whose shares and stocks oscillate positively every time another white journalist is beheaded or another village is seized by ISIS. For a long time now, since the fed initiated quantitative easing, investors and businessmen have become masters of reverse psychology. Bad jobs reports and rising unemployment translated into higher stock prices and more bullish activity with traders. This is because as long as the "real" economy, that is the workers and starving masses, continues to lag, the government and central bank will always scramble to inflate financial institutions and secure the survival of the parasitic capitalist. In essence the US government and its masters have decided to cultivate the Financial sector by using various means of financial sorcery to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. Supposedly the idea is that as the 1% of the upper 1% get wealthier, somehow, magically this money will "trickle" down. It sure has not worked that way nor will it ever. The heirs to the Walton Fortune (Wal-mart) are something like six people, and these six people have more wealth than millions, and millions of people. This entire charade will have a violent conclusion but until then the Capitalist class in America has realized that the only way to lessen the blow from market crashes is to simply create a new one and cash out before it all goes to shit again. In the midst of a bullish market and a destitute populace, this society is growing more violent, anxious and secluded. Robotic warplanes and $10 water bottles, this is what we have to choose from.

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